Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Newlywed Game

Today Daniel & I met with our videographer to make our pre-wedding video!  We did our own version of the Newlywed game in which we made up questions about ourselves or our relationship to ask each other.  We went to BJ’s for the video shoot & had a really fun time!  This video will be shown at our wedding reception during dinner.

My questions to Daniel were:

1.     What is Cat’s favorite animal at the zoo?
a.     Golden lion tamarin monkey
2.     What was Cat’s favorite class in college?
a.     Animal behavior
3.     If you were both allowed a dinner date with a celebrity of your choice, whom would Cat pick?
a.     Anthony Hopkins
4.     If Cat were to associate you with a cartoon character, what do you think it would be?
a.     Bugs Bunny
5.     What will Cat say is her favorite physical feature about you?
a.     Muscular upper arms
6.     Name one activity that Cat does with you ONLY because she loves you.
a.     Goes to Guitar Center
7.     What is the first thing that Cat does when she wakes up in the morning?
a.     Goes “piddle”
8.     What traffic sign best describes Cat on a bad day?
a.     Stop
b.     Yield**
c.     One way street
d.     Road Work Ahead
9.     Who drives worse, you or Cat?
a.     Cat
10.  What is Cat’s most-repeated sentence or phrase?
a.     That’s awesome
11.  What is Cat’s favorite type of wine?
a.     Cabernet Sauvignon
12.  What will Cat say is the most embarrassing thing she’s ever done around you?
a.     Throwing up after my 21st birthday
13.  What is Cat’s biggest irrational fear?
a.     Needles
14.  What is Cat’s favorite clothing store?
a.     Express
15.  Name three of the top four countries that Cat wants to visit.
a.     Greece, Canada, England, Australia
16.  What is Cat’s favorite book?
a.     Harry Potter (specifically Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire)
17.  What is Cat’s favorite holiday?
a.     Christmas
18.  What is Cat’s most annoying personality trait?
a.     Being indecisive
19.  Where did you & Cat share your first kiss?
a.     Daniel’s apartment
20.  When it comes to money, is Cat more like a safe & secure Swiss bank or a splurging machine?
a.     Swiss bank
21.  When you both watch television, who holds the remote?
a.     Daniel
22.  If you could get rid of one article of clothing that Cat wears, what would it be?
a.     Flannel reindeer pajama pants
23.  What flower best describes Cat in the morning when she first wakes up?                 
a.     Sunflower**
b.     Bird of Paradise
c.     Snap Dragon
24.  What did Cat receive her most recent traffic ticket for?
a.     Not signaling 200 feet before changing lanes
25.  What is Cat’s favorite condiment?
a.     Honey mustard
26.  What animal at the zoo does Cat say reminds her of you?
a.     Bald eagle
27.  Which of the seven dwarves will Cat say she reminds you of the most (Dopey, Grumpy, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Sleepy)
a.     Happy
28.  Which of the seven deadly sins will Cat say she is most often guilty of? (pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, sloth)
a.     Sloth
29.  Cat is usually…
a.     Running late
b.     On time
c.     Early**
30.  What bill does Cat complain about the most?
a.     Electric bill
31.  Who stresses out about things more – you or Cat?
a.     Cat
32.  If Cat were stranded alone on a desert island, what non-human thing would she most want to bring?
a.     Sadie
33.  What chapter of a science textbook would Cat say best describes your relationship?
a.     Acid/Base Chemistry
b.     Electricity & Magnetism**
c.     Physical Science
d.     Animal Behavior
34.  What was the month & year that Sadie joined your family?
a.     May 2006

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